Tuesday 24 January 2017

You're Doing It Wrong: Vitamins—Gwyneth Paltrow's Nutritionist Weigh in

ESC: Doing It Wrong, Vitamins
It's what's on the inside that counts.
It's no secret that your diet has a large effect on your hair, skin and general appearance. Drinking water and eating right can be the solution to many of our dreaded insecurities, including acne, dark circles around the eyes, weak nails—this list goes on and on. What do you do to better balance your nutrition? Most of us walk into the vitamin/wellness aisle at the grocery store only to be overwhelmed by the number of brands and bottles with seemingly random letters and numbers. C'mon on, B-13, D3, CoQ10? It may be healthy, but it's not straightforward.  

Once you finally decide on a host of pills that you promise you're going to swallow every day (even though you may only remember for two weeks...let's be honest), you start to wonder, "Is this actually working?" Unlike skin cream, the results will vary, making it harder to know if your vitamin routine is actually making a difference, especially when some say it's a waste of time.
I am making it easier (for all of us). Want optimal health and beauty? These celebrity experts, responsible for the diets of Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and more, gave us the insider scoop on the vitamins you should be taking every day.

Dr. Frank Lipman

Celebrity Clients: Gwyneth Paltrow, Donna Karan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Arianna Huffington
Dr. Lipman's Recommendation:
"With so much of our food grown in soil that's depleted of nutrients, it's tough to get the necessary nutrition from food alone, making supplements a wonderful additional for filling any nutritional gaps. Additionally, the toxic load we are faced with these days is worse than ever, and added vitamins, nutrients and minerals can help our bodies become more resilient. Of course, supplements do not replace a healthy, wholesome diet and are best when paired with nutrient-dense meals."
His Daily Dose:
D3 for enhancing muscle strength and bolstering the immune system.
Fish Oil for protection against inflammation, cardiovascular health, better vision and stronger hair, skin and nails.
Probiotics for healthy digestion and consume bad bacteria.
Magnesium for metabolic function and easing tension or pain in muscles.
Glutathoine for energy production and antioxidants.

Dr. Philip Goglia

Celebrity Clients: Chloe Moretz, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kanye West, Cara Delevingne
Dr. Philip Goglia's Recommendation:
"Nothing takes the place of healthy eating, hydration and exercise, but the correct vitamins can offer a nutritional strategy that bridges the gap between low energy, hair, nail and skin health and your daily nutrition. Vitamins at best will give you a 10 or 12 percent edge above and beyond foods and hydration."
His Daily Dose:
Multivitamin for a supplement to your nutritional intake (which can include all of the below).
B-complex for metabolism support, more energy and healthy skin.
CoQ10 for heart health.
Calcium for stronger bones.
Magnesium for blood pressure regulation and heart health.
Zinc for faster healing processes (good for acne and wounds), hair care and reduction of stress.
Weekly: Vitamin D (50,000 iu)
Which vitamins are you adding to your daily dose?

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